Investment Loan
Finance your middle and long term investments
The renewal of your everyday equipment, your extension or modernization projects are so many important and engaging steps in a company’s development. For the choice of an equipment, a production tool or a real asset, you automatically need to consider the choice of the financing solution.
We are willing to answer your needs for equipment, your will to finance an industrial project or the acquisition of a real asset, financing up to 85% of your need!
Your needs:
- Financing your investment needs;
- Have the funds available at once or in several instalments;
- Have the financing which best fits your needs.
Our solution
A classic loan with fixed interest!
- The financing can reach up to 85% of your need;
- The loan interests are tax-deductible;
- The financing term is adapted to the company’s objectives and constraints
Investment Loan:
A minimum of 8 000 Fcfa exclusive of tax;
Between 18 months and 7 months (decided case-by-case, after analysis of the loan request file);
Cost and repayments aligned upfront:
Fixed rate and repayments on a monthly or quarterly basis;
Based on the project, it can be one withdrawal only or several withdrawals;
We have a complete offer of complementary insurance policies, at preferential conditions, and depending on your needs: financial loss, equipment protection, death, industrial disablement.
Insurance brokers and partner insurers:
Allianz Cameroun, Gras Savoye, and Axa.