Société Générale Cameroun

Visa Salary
The alternative to Cash Pay
Paying your salaries in cash is not inevitable! We propose to companies a Salary Card which will ease the payment and follow-up of salaries of employees with no bank accounts or who want advances on salary.
The +
- A payment means for salaries and advances on salary without any barriers
- In case of loss (1) or theft (1) of your Salary Card, you receive a new card within three weeks;
- With one click and an easy transfer, you can independently and conveniently pay money into the Salary Cards of your employees. Check our e-banking tool Sogec@shnet.
(1) In case of loss or theft of your Salary Card, you pay 5000 F CFA to stop it.
The Salary Card offer, helps a company to pay its salaries without handling cash. By subscribing to our Salary Card, you choose to:
- Ease procedures of advances on salary and bonus payments;
- Replace cheques and cash by a quicker and more secured payment means;
- Make your administrative and logistic procedures easier
Thanks to the Société Générale Cameroun Salary Card, you will not worry anymore about thefts, losses or assaults risks linked to keeping cash in the company.
A safe and easily available! With the Salary Card, your employees will now:
- Have access to their salaries or advance on salaries, exclusively and directly in the Société Générale Cameroun’s cashpoints;
- Manage their income freely;
- Do cash withdrawals 24h/24 and 7d/7 in Société Générale Cameroun ‘s cashpoints
- Save money without paying for bank accounts or bank card handling fees.
To enjoy the exclusive benefits of our Salary Card, you must:
- Meet your customer adviser. He/she will inform you of the documents needed for subscription to the Salary Card Offer
- After your file is received, a convention is signed between you and Société Générale Cameroun;
- You can now proceed to payment of your staff’s salary without interrupting them while they are on assignment.